The Holland Baroque ensemble, which celebrated a remarkable Tyrolean debut at the Tyrol Easter Festival, brings the season to a close with fast and furioso dances. The focus is on music from southern Italy: folias, fandangos and other folk dances in which there is method in the madness. Someone who fell into an endless dancing frenzy after being bitten by a tarantula could only be cured by dancing tarantellas. According to popular belief, the melody was the cure and had to be played on a violin by a priest. It can be assumed that there were countless types of tarantellas depending on the patient’s mood. The Swedish-Chilean mezzo-soprano Luciana Mancini, who has already performed at musik+ with Christina Pluhar and her L’Arpeggiata ensemble, sings and tells of all the other excitements.

Luciana Mancini – mezzo-soprano
Holland Baroque
conductor: Judith & Tineke Steenbrink

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