Bach’s influence is truly enormous. I play Bach every day. For us, Bach’s legacy is an embodiment of passionate emotion, soulful humanity and true humanism, which stands in contrast to the dark world of raw evil and contempt for humanity. (Dmitri Shostakovich)

Like many composers before and after him, Dmitri Shostakovich owed a debt to Bach. At the age of twelve, he was already playing both volumes of the Well-Tempered Clavier, and its spirit is apparent in his own compositions. It was therefore a natural choice for the G.A.P. Ensemble (on instruments old and new) and the soprano and Bach specialist Dorothee Mields (a familiar voice here as a soloist with Philippe Herreweghe) to weave a programme with the two composers. The focus is on the idea of redemption, on the healing and unifying power of music – ranging from arias from Bach cantatas, including Ich bin in mir vergnügt, BWV 204 and Komm, du süsse Todesstunde, BWV 161 to Shostakovich’s Piano Trio op. 8 and the Seven Romances on Poems by Alexander Blok op. 127.

Dorothee Mields – soprano
G.A.P. Ensemble
Oriol Aymat Fusté – cello
Luca Quintavalle – cembalo and piano
conductor: Emilio Percan – violin

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In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the Bach focus at the Innsbruck Haus der Musik. Original works and arrangements form part of the programme throughout the season.